jeudi 25 septembre 2014

#post3 : Positive Impact of New Technologies

This document is a video showing us the good aspects   of the new  tecnologies  in the environment of education . 
 Nowadays we can do lots of things with the new technologies that we could not do before, thanks the improvement and technological progress can contact that we have this tool essential especially in the education . 
 Its allows us to move faster access with a facilter inner world and especially it is essential for young people we can make fast and efficient searches without spending time to look at a dictionary, teachers can project  the lesson in class and show multiple documents, the new technology also allows us to take over a distance that is favorable for students in difficulty or handicap for her younger gives them a new vision of the world and its captive their   the new instruction
Nowadays it has documents on the Internet which help us a lot and full of good sites to the Learning FOR  STUDENT iN TROUBLE, it's also a way for STUDENT to be in contact with his teachers and also see their annual evolution as sites like Pronote ALLOW  has access homework, lessons and notes and allows parents to monitor their children's video show us a real evolution of new technology since 1450 today we can see a huge progress the methods have changed and travails with technology things are done more efficiently and faster courses are not exempt in the same way as before and since the evolution of the new technology we can say that the world of education is more effective and all interrese the world, we see that there are more exchanges between teachers and master the job done faster, experiments are done in class physique chemistry and you can also watch movies, and entertain with younger instructive games

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

#post3 : Positive Impact of New Technologies

Technology A Positive Effect On Education

this document is  a video about the history of technology in education.  The positive effects of technology on education are many and are changing the way our children, and indeed anyone in education, is learning.  Technology at school means that students are better able to research outside or inside the classroom; they have access to a greater range of instruction; and are able to build skills that will be useful in the work place.  Educators too, have access to resource materials and extra  instructional material previously unavailable and are able to present their material in new and  sometimes very exciting ways . 
it  shows the evolution of technology in education since 1450 to nowaday , we can see the progress of technology through some things that we asked a lot of effort before and now it is more easily.We can see that, in this case, technology has had a positive impact education ,  Technology is now used in the classroom at all levels of instruction thing who was imposible before  .  At primary levels, for example, games are seen as an effective teaching method.  There are now available, any number of interactive games for the classroom that focus on literacy and numeracy at basic levels.  At higher levels of education, interactive whiteboards allow teachers and lecturers to effectively deliver a whole host of material.  These assisting technology devices allow instructors to bring up documents or slides on screen quickly and easily, to present videos, to share search engine results and a whole host of other functions. In most jobs these days it is expected that employees be able to use a computer and be comfortable with technology.  In many cases this may not be just expected, but required, or at the very least seen as a serious advantage.  People who have grown up with technology in the classroom and at home will be comfortable with this requirement; in many cases it will be simply second-nature.  To deny students access to technology is to deny them future job opportunities as well as to seriously stunt their educational growth , This access to so much research material has another positive effect, that is, it encourages autonomy in students.  No longer do they have to look to their professor or tutor as their sole source for all advice and learning.  Instead, they now they have the ability to effectively learn alone, under the guidance rather that the instruction of an educator.  This autonomy in research encourages creative thought resulting in new ideas and theories.   Some ideas based on research others based on inference. this document shows the progress of technology in education  , reinforces the working methods and familiarize young people with the TECHNOLOGY and make things more accesible

vendredi 19 septembre 2014


This video is structured around two main narrative voices and a character illustrating what the voice-over says while a singer often merely repeats or comments on what's just been said (as in a Greek chorus).
The setting is a Christian home and church, so this particular context is very meaningful.
We can notice on various occasions that the main character is addicted to high-technology products, mostly smartphones.
He is shown as a family man unable to communicate with his wife, except through texting.
He is also shown as a church-goer incapable of attending worship without all his phones vibrating all the time, making him look like he's full of the holy spirit.
Finally, he is depicted as a computer geek whose life has become extremely complicated instead of having been simplified.
Basically, this video means that high technology has become a religion for many people, even Christians who are not supposed to be materialistic.
Then, in a Christian lifestyle, quite a few church-goers and believers tend to focus more on materialistic issues rather than spiritual ones.
We can add that technology reigns supreme for many people who revere it as a God enlightening his followers.
The question is, is this a real progress for humankind ?

Two people are stuck on an escalator in a place that seems literally empty/deserted. The man looks upset/annoyed. He might be an office worker walking to his job. The woman claims that she is already late, so for her, this is the last straw. At one point, she's about to cry and asks for a phone, then she screams for help. In short, they both look helpless, clueless, powerless and even hopeless. 
( 2 people on a escalator that suddently stops and they don't know what to do , they think they are stuck , they call for help and no one answer )
 We can relate this situation to a fairly common one in real life : getting stuck in an elevator. The difference however, is  that in this situation, people have the right to panic/freak out/feel panicky whereas on an escalator, there is no reason whatsoever to be scared.
This video points out the increasing dependence of human beings on technology. If it goes missing, it is as if a crutch had been taken away from them, so these two people cannot even walk up the stairs, which would be the normal thing to do. We could think that technological progress makes humans lazy or at least less prone to take initiative and think by themselves, less inclined to make efforts.

 We can relate this situation to a fairly common one in real life : getting stuck in an elevator. The difference however, is  that in this situation, people have the right to panic/freak out/feel panicky whereas on an escalator, there is no reason whatsoever to be scared.
This video points out the increasing dependence of human beings on technology. If it goes missing, it is as if a crutch had been taken away from them, so these two people cannot even walk up the stairs, which would be the normal thing to do. We could think that technological progress makes humans lazy or at least less prone to take think initiative and  by themselves, less inclined to make efforts.