jeudi 12 mars 2015

POST 12: School shootings in the USA

I chose this document because I think that it's the most interesting one because it's about the victims,
we have a description of the scene and it touches me because I put myself in their place and it horrifies me.
It also talks about the survivors and how their lives aren't easy neither because they have experienced a traumatising event that is impossible to forget. In the website we also have photos of the victims, and pictures of the memorials and pictures
of the survivors after the event, these photos are also very hard to see, that's the reason
I chose this document because it makes us sympathize with the survivors and the families that are concerned( families of the victims and survivors)

This picture of Jessica Holliday (with Diwana Perez, right)  this picture symbolizes sadness these girls are helpless they survived this terrible event also mourn the death of their classmates . I love this picture it is very original


             Newsweek covers Columbine
A photo of Jessica Holliday with other Columbine High students
fleeing the school was turned into a cover for Newsweek later the same month. in this picture you can really see the point in this killing has impacted these young people and the event has been tragic and highly publicized

I like this picture because it touches me a lot ,  in this picture we can see a young girl who has just found his mother, one can see on their faces feelings of consolation and  also sadness and fear but I find that  beautiful this reunion between mother and daughter 

 the film or series that I think best deals colombinus this is quite true that I did not watch the movie, but it is challenging and I think it best captures the scene, from his title columbinus , 
I also like the poster and I imagine without seeing it well illustrates the scene and will have plenty of action in the film . But having just watch the trailer I am sure that this film is one of the best illustration

vendredi 27 février 2015


 This document is a campaign  to prevent gun violence managed by Bill Braidy since  1974 .
On the poster we can see the number of murders made by  guns in one year in seven countries , from  seventeen people in Finland to  200 in Canada but the most striking figure is United States which 9,484 .
the gun represent the american flag , the compaign wants to sensiblize people about the dangers of this weapon especially in United States because it is  where there are most deaths , that is why wee can see in poster ´´ GOD BLESS AMERICA ´´

in this document we can see two main differences, the gun has changed compared to that of 2004 and the number of deaths has decreased. We can view this as a positive thing and we can think that this campaign reaches its goal of reducing deaths by firearms laws that sensitive weapons, we can say that their AWARENESS campaign was good but that it would do more because people still die front of weapons violence

               In these graphics we see two things: first, the top 10 countries where there is gun murder and secondly, the number of people killed by guns in developed countries only this time.
In the first graphic, we can see that the USA are far behind (26th) which can make USA feel better about themselves but if you compare with the second graphic about gun murder in developed countries we can see that USA "wins" the contest by far, because we can probably not compare poor countries with an unstable political state with developed countries, putting the USA first in line when it comes to gun violence in developed countries.



In this cartoon we can see an old statue representing the authentic second amendment and a parody of this statue with a man from the National Rifle Association standing on a pile of munition boxes.
Next to the first statue, the author wrote "Second Amendment as defined by the founding fathers
Next to the second "statue", the man from the NRA, looking scary and scared at the same time, is carrying three rifles and multiple guns in his pocket. He is way "larger" then the man of the other statue and looks really embarasing . I think the author did this to highlight the changes

   This cartoon denounces the role of the state in the gun traffic in a USA , In this cartoon we see that there has been a bloodshed in the capitol, somebody was killed, probably by a gun,lobby guy says: "Now where were we, before we were so rudely interrupted..."the man prefer  the money to the security of citizens, this document also shows the corrupmtion of some leaders

mercredi 11 février 2015

Free post lyrics

Mama said, "You're a pretty girl"
What's in your head, it doesn't matter
Brush your hair, fix your teeth
What you wear is all that matters
Just another stage
Pageant the pain away
This time, I'm gonna take the crown
Without falling down, down,down
Pretty hurts
Shine the light on whatever's worse
Perfection is a disease of a nation
(Pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
Pretty hurts
Shine the light on whatever's worse
Tryna fix something
But you can't fix what you can't see
It's the soul that needs a surgery
Blonder hair, flat chest
TV says bigger is better
South beach, sugar free
Vogue says
Thinner is better
Just another stage
Pageant the pain away
This time, I'm gonna take the crown
Without falling down, down, down
Pretty hurts
Shine the light on whatever's worse
Perfection is a disease of a nation
(Pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
Pretty hurts
Shine the light on whatever's worse
Tryna fix something
But you can't fix what you can't see
It's the soul that needs a surgery
Ain't got no doctor or pill that can take the pain away
The pain's inside
And nobody frees you from your body
It's the soul, it's the soul that needs surgery
It's my soul that needs surgery
Plastic smiles and denial can only take you so far
And you break when the paper signs leaves you in the dark
You left a shattered mirror
And the shards of a beautiful girl
Pretty hurts
Shine the light on whatever's worse
Perfection is a disease of a nation
(Pretty hurts, pretty hurts)
Pretty hurts
Shine the light on whatever's worse
Tryna fix something
But you can't fix what you can't see
It's the soul that needs a surgery
When you're alone all by yourself
And you're lying in your bed
Reflection stares right into you
Are you happy with yourself?
It's just a way to masquerade
The illusion has been shed
Are you happy with yourself?
Are you happy with yourself?
Ah ah

Free post

I will present pretty hurts to you it is a song which I like much of beyoncé American artist! I will have rather wanted to present a clip of rihanna to you which is my favorite  artist or one of his songs which I like much but I have to prefer this one of beyonce which appears to me more challenging knowing that one lives in a society who the physique cheek is a very great role
in this video clip Beyoncé  plays the part of the beauty queen in its skin. it to criticize the society which push the young girls to search the perfect body. (Vomiting, plastic surgery, mode) Through this new Beyoncé clip is decided to carry out a new combat against the diktats of appearance. I think that it is a very beautiful combat on behalf of this artist who was elected as the most influential woman of the World because it is used as model for several young person and through this clip it transmits a very interesting message as what one can have a few kilos in excess and be beautiful without surgery and all the rest
femininity is in the middle of this clip what makes it   more interesting, In the clip one can recognize Shaun Ross known to be the first mannequin Afro-American reached of albinism Behind the sparkling smiles and the sizes of wasps, thus takes shape a dark truth  that of a wild world where the worship of the beauty reaches disproportionate proportions. The lyrics  are very touching one can also see that the approach of the artist is all the more very sincere coming from a woman as Beyoncé which never had recourse has the plastic surgery and yet was elected several times as one of the more beautiful women of the world in spite of its forms at the time of the exit of its clip it even launched a challenge has its fans with hashtag # what is pretty # a manner for it of being in contact with sea fans and to have their opinions on perception and especially to see whether they agree with his clip. That has to seem to me super good what I like at Beyoncé it is that it always puts the woman ahead it is not let fair it has character and it is sincere in her approach and its feels Me
I have really  like the clip and I one can put in relation to the notion seats and form of power  to be able to analyzing the place of the plastic surgery in our society

jeudi 13 novembre 2014


Famed singer-songwriter John Lennon founded the Beatles, a band that impacted the popular music scene like no other before, or since.
John Lennon was born on October 9, 1940, in Liverpool, England. He met Paul McCartney in 1957 and invited McCartney to join his music group. They eventually formed the most successful songwriting partnership in musical history. Lennon left the Beatles in 1969 and later released albums with his wife, Yoko ono, among others. On December 8, 1980, he was killed by a crazed fan named Mark David Chapman.
the song I chose is called imagines John lennon and can be linked to the notion the idea of progress as it is a song that encourage us a mutual love us, it us sensitive and encourages us to live in harmony in a world without war, without prejujer, freedom for all that everyone is free to do what he wants without hurting a neighbor. for me this song represents a lot of things because now we live in a world of conflict and if each of us took the time to imagine so much so it can be good without all its conflicts and join hands to move forward together, and we accept malgres our differences and beliefs no matter of where you comes from. this song is passed very beautiful message and the lyrics are easy to understand the music is very pleasant .
the music preaches a world without war without a country and without possessions that music is a way to open people's eyes
music released in 1971 in the united states and in 1975 and quickly became united royaune number one in sales, is considered one of the best pop songs.
this work can come close to the theme of war unlike other works that describe the denouncing it rejects and aspires to a world without conflict, the goal is even criticize all forms of violence 
John Lennon's song defines as "anti religious, anti nationalist, anti-capitalism and anti norm" but that it was accepted because it was "sugar coated", a symbol of peace song.

The song involved  The song reflects the hopes and revolts , accompanying history. John Lennon is a committed artist, he enlisted, he says his ideas, he encourages others to adopt them. In this case, it encourages people to collect a beter world a peaceful world without religion, without war, without borders, without possessions, which all humans are sames. reveals the reality testifies, denounced, sends a message hope, defends values. It seeks to reach men. Speaking directly to the listener, he invites us to question with him, to dream and to share his positive vision.

I do not necessarily listening to music style but this song is too touching and words are very significant and it fits perfectly with the concept idea of progress as its gives people a new  way of seeing things and move forward without war and me what is the best way to progress because a world without peace no sense

vendredi 7 novembre 2014


The art exhibition "Pop art myths" at the museum Thyssen Bornemisza is in Madrid located in the Paseo del Prado. The webside is : from June 10 to September 14,2014. Numerous pop artits worked in this projet like Lichtenstein,Warhol.. 

  I really love this show because it really attrAndy Warhol WAS one of the MOST significant artists of pop art, All which Became Extremely popular in the latter half of the twentieth century. Though He Is Best Remembered For His paintings of Campbell's soup cans, He created aussi Hundreds of works --other Including Commercial Advertisements and filmsacted me from the beginning the room decor and more organisation .  I was not very interested in about this art style but  I really appreciate and I learned a lot about andy, my favorite picture is the coca for many reason and this is my most favorite drink 
More than twenty years after his death, Andy Warhol remains one of the most influential figures in contemporary art and culture. Warhol’s life and work inspires creative thinkers worldwide thanks to his enduring imagery, his artfully cultivated  .
 His impact as an artist is far deeper and greater than his one prescient observation that “everyone will be world famous for fifteen minutes.” His omnivorous curiosity resulted in an enormous body of work that spanned every available medium and most importantly contributed to the collapse of boundaries between high and low culture. In Look Mickey, Lichtenstein scaled up a scene of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck out fishing, complete with a speech bubble and carefully painted Ben-Day dots to imitate those used for shading in the original cartoon.
The painting, owned by the National Gallery of Art in Washington, is now considered his most formative work , I also love this picture because I find it funny and very attractive especially for a young audience that is things that have marked our childhood and we draw automatically.

my 2 favorites :